Celebration of europe Day in Aver-O-Mar school in Portugal was organized throughout the week from 6th to 10th may.
During this week there were several activities concerning the project’s partner countries like exhibitions of student’s works - posters and digital presentations on culture, personalities or fact file information and tridimensional replicas of importante european monuments; documentary shows on each Eramus+ i.d.e.a. - Together we can! partner countries; a lecture on Europe Day entitled Europe “Today and Tomorrow - Past and Future” by Mr. Manuel Costa - director of the Municipal Public Library and former european cabinet employee; storytelling of european legends in 5th and 6th grade classes by older students; typical food tasting moments and an art workshop related to polish artist Bartosz Fraczek.
The last day was dedicated to Turkey, our european week invited country.
It was a wonderful european week in school, students enjoyed seeing their works exposed and notice, in such different ways, how other european countries look like. This way, they were able to get closer to other cultures, languages and people.
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