i.d.e.a.! TOGETHER WE CAN!
Individuals with Disabilities Education Aim
Projeto de partilha de boas práticas para a inclusão no âmbito da Educação Especial, desenvolvido em parceria com a Eslovénia, Polónia, Croácia, Itália e Turquia, a decorrer de setembro 2018 a agosto 2020.
Para acompanhar as iniciativas do projeto aceda aos links e espaços abaixo.
This project is about sharing good practices and strategies to foster inclusion of special needs students. Its partners are Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, Italy, Turkey and Portugal - Aver-O-Mar Schools - and will take place from september 2018 to august 2010.
Besides the news posted on this blog it can be followed on (click on the words to access links):

6/12/2018 1º Encontro Transnacional / 1st International Meeting
16/12/2018 Dia da Pessoa com Deficiência / Disability Day
04/01/2019 Formação Etwinning / Etwinning Workshop
Formação Etwinning / Etwinning Workshop
24/02/2019 Dia das Doenças Raras / Rare Disease Day
19/03/2019 2º Encontro Transnacional - 2nd International Meeting
05/04/2019 Dissemination from Poland
01/05/2019 Tea Time & Inclusion
04/05/2019 Rare Disease & Autism Walk
13/05/2019 Dia da Europa / Europe Day 2019
10/06/2019 3º Encontro Transnacional - 3rd International Meeting
School Website news
23/09/2019 Aver-O-Mar Erasmus on the road - registo
Notícia no blogue Bibliomar
24/11/2019 4º Encontro Transnacional - 4th International Meeting
School Website
Notícia no blogue Bibliomar
24/11/2019 4º Encontro Transnacional - 4th International Meeting
School Website